Undine believes in building lasting relationships with developers.

Undine has years of experience in providing water and sewer service to new developments. We have extensive industry knowledge and can assist you in finding the best utility solution for your project. We are in the business of operating water and wastewater systems and can help remove that everyday distraction for you. Our goal is to help developers better finance their projects. We understand construction issues and strive to develop assistance programs to provide capital when you need it. We support developers by financing some of the infrastructure for private water and sewer utilities. The utility pays for, constructs, and operates the above-ground plant, and the developer pays for and constructs the underground facilities.

Your customers will enjoy lower overall rates and no or low taxes. This can equate to quicker lot turnover and higher profits for you. Also, an IOU can construct the plant quicker than a municipal utility system, thereby having water and sewer service available in the shortest period possible. If you are interested in exploring how our private utility can help you better achieve your development goals, contact us at 713-574-5953.