Helpful How-to’s

Undine dedicates itself to delivering clean, healthy, and safe drinking water to all of its residents.

Your System Info - Enter your address below to see customer service contact information and important notices concerning your neighborhood's water system.

Undine dedicates itself to delivering clean, healthy, and safe drinking water to all of its residents.  Sometimes, however, external factors such as flooding, broken pipes, or cross-contamination can negatively affect the quality of your water.  Undine takes any potential contaminates very seriously and will immediately issue a “Boil Water Notice” until we are confident that your water is once again safe to drink. A Boil Water Notice informs residents that their tap water might be contaminated and is not currently safe to use. It suggests that residents boil their water before consumption, which includes activities such as drinking, cooking, making ice, and brushing teeth.  The EPA considers boiling water the most effective and safest method of water disinfection.  Activities where water is not directly ingested, such as bathing or washing dishes or clothes, should not pose a health risk.

You can learn more about Boil Water Notices here. 

Undine recommends cutting or trimming back any shrubbery or vegetation that may be blocking access to your meter.  Please make sure there is a clear and accessible path available for our representatives to access your meter.

To check for a leak, turn off all faucets in the house and locate the leak indicator on your meter.  If no water is being used on the property, the leak indicator should not be moving. Refer to the meter image above in “How to Read Your Meter” to locate the leak indicator. If the leak indicator is moving, you may have a leak and should consider calling a plumber.  If you need help at any time through this process, Undine customer service is happy to assist you. Enter your address into the “Your System Info” lookup feature at the top of the page to find your local customer service number.

Call before you dig!  It is important and required that you give notice of your intent to dig at least two working days prior, but not more than fourteen days to ensure safe digging.  Notify the 811 call center by calling  811 or 800-344-8377 or visit The State of Texas has a homeowner web ticket entry option that allows you to report your intent online.

A cross-connection is a point in a plumbing system where contaminates can enter a pure water supply.  Cross-connections my result in backflow, a change in pressure in a water pipe that forces water to flow opposite of its intended direction and allows contaminates to enter the unprotected system and come in contact with your drinking water.  The possibility of wastewater contaminating your drinking water is a dangerous situation.  Prior to being connected to a municipal water supply, every building is required to have a cross-connection inspection to ensure that cross-connections are not occurring in a building’s plumbing system.

While the majority of water outages are unplanned events that happen as a result of an unpredictable emergency such as a water main break, occasionally, your water service may be temporarily suspended due to planned maintenance.  In the event of such an occurrence, signs will be posted throughout your neighborhood to give advance notice.  We recommend keeping a sealed container of clean drinking water on hand for use during temporary disruptions of your water service.  In planned events, we also recommend filling up a bucket or your bathtub with water to use for flushing the toilet.

Since water expands as it freezes, the pipes in your home often encounter severe pressure in cold weather.  This pressure can cause a pipe to burst or break.  Pipes that are located outside of the home like pipes for your garden hose spigot, pool supply lines, and water irrigation systems are particularly vulnerable as they are the most exposed to severe weather.  Pipes that run along exterior walls and those in unheated indoor areas like garages, attics, basements, and crawl spaces also freeze frequently. Wrap exposed pipes located outside or in unheated areas of the home.  Remove garden hoses from any outside spigot and insulate the exposed area. Stay aware of the weather forecast and implement preventative measures to protect your home and belongings.

More information on preparing your home for cold weather can be found here.

Undine recommends taking steps to prepare for a potential water outage when forecasts indicate impending severe weather such as a hurricane.  Having sufficient bottled drinking water on hand and filling up a bucket or your bathtub with water to assist in flushing the toilet during a water outage are two easy ways to protect your family’s health and limit discomfort should an emergency outage occur during the storm.

We recommend you familiarize yourself with the following information to ensure your family is prepared in the event of a hurricane or other severe weather event.